First Multiplier Event Invitation

On behalf of the International Air Force Semester (IAFS) Erasmus+ KA2 project, we are pleased to invite you to the First Multiplier Event, which will be held on June 22nd, 2021 in Brașov, Romania.
International Air Force Semester is a European Strategic Partnership project funded under the Erasmus+ KA203 by the Hellenic Erasmus+ National Agency. The Coordinator of the Project is Hellenic Air Force Academy, Greece and the consortium consists of the Academia Fortelor Aeriene “Henri Coanda”, Romania, Academia da Força Aérea, Portugal and the European Security and Defence College.
The aim of the project is to create a common program of studies that will form part of the basic education for Air Force officers, in order to facilitate and promote long-term student exchanges between different European Air Force Institutions for the first time in their history.
To find more details about the event program and register please visit the webpage of the event at:

First Multiplier Event Invitation