First Transnational Meeting

Due to COVID-19 restrictions the first transnational meeting was held via Virtual Teleconferencing among the project partners.
The first transnational meeting of the International Air Force Semester was the kick-off meeting of the project in which the partners discussed several topics related to project management and implementation.
The roles of the coordinator and the partner was first discussed based on the contractual agreement as well as the structure of the partnership agreement that will be signed among the partners and the coordinating institution.
Subsequently the project implementation plan was presented starting from the lifecycle of the project indicating the official reports towards the National Agency. The different project manuals were then introduced including the communication plan and tools, the visual identity of the project, the list of all the deliverables due during the project, the official reports, the dissemination plan, the Project Management Guidelines and Project Plan and the Quality Assurance Manual that will be prepared in the context of the project.
The partners also reviewed the plan for the implementation of the first two Intellectual Outputs and discussed the next steps.

First Transnational Meeting