Train the Trainer Event

The Train the Trainer event of the project was organised by the Portuguese Air Force Academy on the week 14th-18th of March 2022
The first Learning-Training-Teaching Activity of the International Air Force Semester was organised in premises of the Portuguese Air Force Academy. Three professors participated from each partner discussing the materials developed in the context of the Intellectual Outputs 1, 2 and 3. The ebooks, the lecture presentations, and other teaching materials were the focus of the discussions. Teaching and assessment methodologies were also discussed among the professors of the academies.
The partners also exchanged experiences regarding teaching international audiences, reviewed the academic background of the cadets to participate in the pilot activities and then in the implementation of the curriculum. In addition, the professors discussed the everyday schedule of each academy and exchanged experiences and ideas on how the developed curriculum will affect the schedule of each academy.
Finally, the professors taught one class per each module in 10 cadets from Portuguese Air Force Academy in order to try different teaching methodologies and acquire the first input from the cadets regarding, the teaching materials, the language level, the cultural experience, and the level of difficulty of each module. The results and lessons learnt were then discussed among the professors who participated in the Train the Trainer event.

Trainer the Trainer Event